Invite Win to present at your next event.

  • Clubs and Organizations

    From book clubs to neighborhood associations, community groups enjoy Win’s stories. When a garden club needed a program for a December meeting, they turned to Win who created an original short story for them. “The Bouquet” is now a holiday favorite.

  • Women's Groups

    Class gatherings, luncheons, or other meet-ups are a perfect time for one of Win’s entertaining stories. “Lana, the Island Girl” was a hit at a recent brunch where participants decorated and dressed for an island-themed event.

  • Church Programs and Events

    Holiday parties, department dinners, and other special occasions enjoy a boost with a delightful, original story.

  • Retirement Communities

    Retired groups particularly appreciate how Win weaves a tale that recalls the “good ole days” with humor and fondness.

  • Zoom Events

    During the peak of the pandemic, Win began offering Zoom storytelling events which opened up a new way to connect with groups even from a distance.

  • Just for Fun

    Win says one of the best reasons to tell a story is just for fun. Afternoon teas hosted in homes by friends and neighbors have been particularly popular.

“Unexpected twists!”  “Crowd pleaser!” “Refreshing and entertaining!”